GA Go Games and Problems quick peek

GA Best Go Blogs quick peek

GA Professional Go News quick peek

GA Go Chatter quick peek

GA facelift

Honestly, I have been neglecting this site even though many of you find it very useful. I finally buckled down and gave the site a good overhaul. Please let me know what you think. For those of you who only subscribe to the feeds, I guess you'll never read this! :)


Anonymous said...

Building this Go aggregator site is a great idea - thanks for putting it together!

I may be able to suggest a new Go source :-) : my own Go blog at which is a companion of my Go site at (the latter has no RSS yet, so I guess it cannot be "aggregated" - basically that's one of the reasons I started the blog).

Sorin Gherman

Alejo said...

I'm just wondering something... If you say you've been neglecting this site, how do you choose the articles which should be published? It is automatically done? Or do you just refer to the design of the blog?

Just curious about that... I thought you manually choosed the sources...

thrashor said...


Good question! I do not manually select the content of GA. GA is fundamentally a "feed aggregator", or a collector of numerous go related rss and atom feeds available around the Internet. Try a Google search for "feed aggregator" to find some online tools for aggregating your own feeds.


Alejo said...

Ok, now I get it...

So you select the source (chiyodad's blog, for example) and the rest is automatically done...ummm... I might insert an xml of the pro world on my site... um... I see...

Then, you could have choosen mine!!! lol, just kidding.

Thanks for the explanation